♡ Cancellation

The Source of the Glitching across the Multiple Universes.
A Primal Being, also known as "The Nothing", Cancellation scours between universes, infecting all known worlds with a glitch-like miasma, turning all who come into contact into mindless, smiling zombies. Once a world is completely saturated of the Glitch, Cancellation then consumes that universe, removing it forever.
-It cannot be (permanently) harmed by normal means. Normal Weapons would barely even phase this beast- only Elder-God levels of weaponry, or other Elder Gods themselves, can harm it.
-It hunts primarily on instinct. It has no cognitive thought or emotion... though sometimes it really would seem that way.
-Even being within its vicinity causes hallucinations and puts you at risk of being corrupted.
-Within a certain radius across the Multiverse, all corrupted Zombies are attached to Cancellation, like a hivemind. If taken out of that radius, those Zombies lose all will to fight under its control, and have little capabilities other than ambling aimlessly- the zombies cannot even infect others when outside that radius.
-It was born when Creation began.

🔫 Apollo

Name: Apollo
Codenames: Slayer Slayer, Death’s Handywork, Angel of Death
Age: Ageless (Mid 30's when he died)
Gender: Male
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 212 Lbs (Including armor, not including weapons)
A Supernatural Mercenary, recruited from his own universe by Terra Lavee (@TerraLavee). A Head Enforcer of the organization in his home universe known as "Death's Angels; Recon & Enforcers", or "D.A.R.E.", Apollo has hunted down slashers in his home world ever since his death.
-Apollo is technically immortal. He can die, but due to his connection with the Death of his world, he will be revived shortly after.
-Apollo has weapons training and proficiency in virtually every type of Weapon, due to his time in the US Army and heavy training under the D.A.R.E..
--This includes pistols, shotguns, SMGs, rifles, and even heavy weapons such as Launchers and miniguns.
-Apollo has a large, ugly scar from where Creed, the one who killed him, embedded a sickle into his skull when he first died. It goes straight down the forehead to between the eyes.
-Apollo is fond of children. He’s treated as a hero to them, and they make his day just a little bit brighter.
-Apollo usually never dreams, or is a lucid dreamer. The times where he is a lucid dreamer are where he hunts down Freddy Krueger, however.
-Apollo’s only superior is Death himself. He communicates with him through a headset underneath his helmet.

🎃 Jack O' Lantern

Name: Jack O' Lantern
Age: Ageless (Mid 20's when first deceased)
Gender: Male
The Pumpkin-Headed Trickster from Endsville, Jack was originally sent back to the Underworld by the account of Grim and his children. He was soon brought back to the Overworld by Lavee, where he would attempt his plans to take over the world again with her by his side, which also ended in failure. Since then, Jack had stuck around in Endsville with Lavee coming by from time to time, and eventually they hooked up on Christmas, of all days.
Soonafter, however, Jack's Universe would be accosted by Cancellation, and Lavee had to evict herself, Jack, Farol and Pumpkin from Jack's Universe, which would eventually lead him to be part of Pibby's group.
-Has Eternal Life from Grim. However- his body has changed from flesh and bone to pure Pumpkin Vines. Anything that is wounded can grow back, and he can simply replace his pumpkin head.
-Due to his vine-body, he does not need to eat. However, he still has a deep fondness for pudding.
-Jack's love of pranks went on centuries ago, in Medieval Endsville. In the past he just wanted to make people laugh, but during his time in eternal life, he grew resentful, and his pranks followed suit. He can use these forms of pranks as weapons when need-be.

✨ Pibby

Name: Pibby
Gender: Female
Species: Pre-K Cartoon
Age: Unknown; Child-age
The Titular Character of the Pre-K kid's show "Learning with Pibby!", Pibby was once a character designed for edutainment for young children, with her show running for many episodes, before the Glitch came and corrupted her world. Eventually, Pibby would be joined with Alloy Boy and Melira, and together they would go through universes to try and stop the Cartoon Apocalypse. She's faced countless terrors, and even had to put down her friend Bun-Bun, who was completely corrupted, during the first Great Glitch War.
Their travels eventually lead them into the Chowder Universe, where her group was joined together with Lavee's. With Lavee's, Jack's, and Apollo's help, Pibby is still learning to be a badass, but without sacrificing her child-like wonder, curiosity, and most of all, safety.
-The cause of her eye scratch, while currently unknown, is speculated to have been caused by Melira. This is subject to change.
-Images of crocodiles, ladybugs, skunks, and especially rabbits cause Pibby to experience episodes of stress and paranoia. With time, however, these grow less and less common.
-Apollo is currently teaching her weapons safety. While most guns are too big for her to use, Apollo teaches her how to use smaller weapons with better efficiency.
-Lavee is a mother figure for Pibby. She teaches her that she doesn't have to give up her being a kid for being a hero; and how it's OK to grieve.
-Jack, in tandem, is a father figure, which makes Apollo an uncle in this respect. Jack teaches Pibby that she can still have fun despite the conditions set upon her.


Name: Death
Gender: Male-Presenting
Species: Embodiment of Death
Age: Ageless
The Leader and Commander of the D.A.R.E., Death recruits angels of all kinds; those who have died peacefully or tragically, to aid him in his fight against psychopaths and killers, and global apocalypses.
-Death's only higher-up is his and Apollo's universe's version of God. As such, the D.A.R.E. has literally limitless supply of resources.
-While you do not have to necessarily be dead to join the D.A.R.E., It certainly makes your job somewhat easier.
-Aside stopping murderers, Death's main job is a psychopomp; an angel that helps the lost souls reach the Other Side. This, as you know, is a ton of paperwork, and more often than not, Death is swarmed by it.
-The Facility of the D.A.R.E. is like a big office building, with pure white in pretty much every direction. It's located in Death and Apollo's version of Heaven.


Name: Dasein
Gender: Male-Presenting
Species: Spawn of Cancellation
Age: Recently Created, Ageless, designed to be Adult
FC: Own Art
Dasein is a Creation from Destruction Incarnate itself, Cancellation. Capable of creating and copying anything, though too much of it causes him stress and anxiety.
-Has a Mask that is similar to Cancellation's face. Only wears it before he is cognitively aware.
-His appearance to those who have not been infected is caustic; reporting headaches and illness in his general vicinity.
-He named himself because he loved the word "Design." "Dasein" is German for "Existence", literally translating to "There is."

🎹Lyric Févrial

Name: Lyric Févrial
Gender: Male
Species: Musical Jester
Age: 25
FC: TerraTerraCotta's art, who also owns Lyric
Lyric Févrial is a Jester who uses cunning and music to sway the minds of those around him. While he prefers the magical piano on his collar, he can play any instrument masterfully.
He additionally uses the piano on his collar to summon illusions and magic to aid him when needed. As a Jester, he usually serves other higher beings. Usually for his own gain. Kings and Queens don’t know they’ve been had until well after he’s disappeared.Soon enough, he discovered Lavee's Domain, and wanted to perform the same acts he's done before. However, he stumbled upon Lavee's dark, terrible secret, and everything changed that day onwards.
-Lyric speaks mostly in Rhyme. He can and will speak normally, when in a more serious attitude.
-The secret in question is not to be divulged. It is heavy Spoilers towards Lavee's story and he's sworn himself to secrecy.
--Because of this, Lyric and Lavee are seemingly at odds with one another. This often goes into one trying to upend the other in a battle of tricksterdom.
-Lyric can teleport in whenever and wherever he wants in a cloud of confetti, especially if someone speaks about him.
-While his expertise is in magic, music, and cunning, Lyric can hold himself in a physical fight if need be. He's incredibly durable (He's had his head launched from his neck multiple times and it still reattaches itself), though average when it comes to dealing actual physical damage.
-If you have a song stuck in your head and can't remember the name, there's a chance it was Lyric's work.

💤Reve Remmere

Name: Reve Remmere
Gender: Male
Species: Musical Jester
Age: 22
FC: TerraTerraCotta's art, who also owns Reve
The charming and whimsical Reve Remmere is the successor the Sandman line of work and has recently taken up the helm of Dreamland. He couldn't be happier with this, as his cheerful and goofy demeanor is no façade. Bringing joyful dreams to good children-who come to play in the ethereal amusement park of Dreamland Kingdom-and voided, dreamless nightmares to naughty ones using his magical umbrella.
-His Mask emotes. It might just be his actual face, nobody knows for sure.
-The images and colors inside his umbrella are always changing, he can magically manipulate it to display certain things, and switch it between dreams and nightmares.
--His Umbrella doubles as a cane (another reason for the fancy handle)
---Yes, of course he can float using the umbrella.
-It's said that he's the Great Great Grandson of Ole Lukøje
-If you're an insomniac, it's probably because Reve has a tendency to get distracted.
--He values fun over work at times, forgetting to do his job.
-No concept of shame, will make a fool of himself for the sake of good fun and laughter.
-He once had a crush on Terra Lavee, but this ended up to be one-sided. He tries not to let it get the better of him, but often sighs dreamingly, wondering what could have been.

👑Supervillain Jack O'Lantern

Name: Jack O' Lantern [Ms. Lavee AU]
Age: Ageless (Mid 20's when first deceased)
Gender: Male
Jack O'Lantern from an alternate universe! In the alternate universe known as Dharkam, Villains rule the city, and Jack rules them as their King of the Villains. He is notoriously more crafty and dangerous than his original counterpart.
-His body was changed by Magic instead of the Grim Reaper from his Dimension.
-He began life as a poor kid, with an alcoholic but well-meaning father and a joyless, unfulfilled mother. Once his father passed away from illness, and his mother skipped town, he was all on his own.
-Even though his evil ways are being tempered by Ms. Lavee, he still has some evil tendencies to lie, cheat, and steal things.

🤖Cybernetix! Apollo

Name: Apollo [Cybernetix Universe]
Age: Ageless (Mid 30's when he died)
Gender: Male
A version of Apollo from another universe! This version of Apollo is somewhat in a Tron-like universe, where technology is much more advanced than the common time.
-Unlike the main Apollo, who still has his three-wheeler, Apollo-Cybernetix has traded it in for a much sleeker motorcycle.
--Also unlike the Main Apollo, he's slightly friendlier.

💜Pumpkin Princess Pibby

Name: Pibby [Ms. Lavee AU]
Gender: Female
Species: Pumpkin-Headed Princess
Age: Unknown; Child-age
It's Pibby, from an alternate universe! In this world, Pibby takes Terra Lavee's Role, and is the Princess Regent of Greenvale. She took in Ms. Lavee and Supervillain Jack into her world while The Darkness took over. She's spunky, perky, just like a little kid in a candy store with what power she has in the Domain of Greenvale.
-Bun-Bun, while shown on this image, is not a muse. However, he is Pibby's closest friend, familiar, and steward (Just like Farol is to Terra Lavee.)
-She has arboreal magic, but is relatively inexperienced.
-Relatively speaking, Pumpkin Princess Pibby shares the same story as the main Terra Lavee does, but had went through it in a much shorter timeframe.
-Despite being 'Princess Regent', Pumpkin Princess Pibby just lets others do their own thing, with the actual only rules to not be mean to or hurt each other.